Category: News

We Serve the Nation

BTS: Top Workplace Winner for 2022

BTS is honored to announce that it has been named a 2022 Top Workplace by the Baltimore Sun! This is incredibly meaningful for us as this recognition comes directly from the candid feedback of our employees and their experiences. This is one of the most forthright ways we can validate that the employee-focused culture we’re creating is truly meeting the needs of our people. As we look back...

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Forged in Service, Forward to the Future: BTS Celebrates Ten Years

This summer, BTS proudly celebrates 10 years of battle-tested innovation, service, and teamwork, an accomplishment rooted in service to the national defense and the fortitude of BTS teams past, present, and future. As we look back with a sense of pride, we know that this journey was not without its scars. It had its hardships, its trials, its crucibles. Yet this adversity is what made us...

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Mini Golf for Good: Behind the Scenes of the 2021 Mini Golf Tournament for PTSD Treatment

Every day we lose 22 veterans to suicide. This number doesn’t even include other civilians, contractors, and families affected or impacted by this difficult mental health condition. Many of us have seen the impact PTSD can have; but it can be even more devastating when left undiagnosed or hidden. In summer of 2020 BTS set out to put some walk to the talk regarding PTSD treatment and helped...

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Why Hire A Veteran?

With many veterans transitioning into new roles as they conclude active duty service, it's important to note that while a veteran may not match a position description exactly, they bring countless other attributes that could make a tremendous impact on an organization or team. Make no mistake, transitioning to the private sector isn’t easy but, from our perspective, there are countless reasons...

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Born From the Battlespace: The BTS Origin Story

If you’ve been to the BTS website or read any of our blogs over the last few years, then you’ve probably noticed some themes. Teamwork. Technology. Commitment to the mission. Veteran focus. Innovation. These values aren’t just a recent development, they’re in our DNA, and in today’s blog post we’d like to share the origin story of BTS- where we came from and where we’re going. As...

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