Author: JB

We Serve the Nation

BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Portfolio Lead Chris Cardwell

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Portfolio Lead Chris Cardwell on world travel, free lunches, and world championship sports. We found out you were once a Hungry Hungry Hippos World Champion. Let’s hear about that...

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BTS Nominated as Finalist for 2024 Moxie Awards

BTS is pleased to have been named a finalist in the 2024 Moxie Awards. Selected from hundreds of applicants across 17 categories, the Moxie Awards are about boldness, innovation, growth, leadership, community service, and local achievements.  Finalists were recently announced by Katie Jordan, the 2024 Moxie Award Chair. “The Moxie Award program recognizes organizations that have set...

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BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Jaime Arthur, Contracts Manager

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Contracts Manager Jaime Arthur about life overseas, workout routines, and comfort zones. What was your transition like out of active duty?  Well, to be completely honest, it was a major...

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BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Kim Dickson, Portfolio Lead

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Portfolio Lead Kim Dickson and talk sports, Super Bowls, and what COPS and SIGINT have in common. Growing up, you were a huge fan of the show COPS. How did that become your fav? That’s a...

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BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Team Lead/Advisor Kathy Carlson

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Team Lead/Advisor Kathy Carlson and talk about cat herding, leadership, wins, losses, and life. You’re incredibly active in the community and with various veterans’ organizations- tell us...

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