Author: Lucas Hanyok

We Serve the Nation

Why Hire A Veteran?

With many veterans transitioning into new roles as they conclude active duty service, it's important to note that while a veteran may not match a position description exactly, they bring countless other attributes that could make a tremendous impact on an organization or team. Make no mistake, transitioning to the private sector isn’t easy but, from our perspective, there are countless reasons...

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Born From the Battlespace: The BTS Origin Story

If you’ve been to the BTS website or read any of our blogs over the last few years, then you’ve probably noticed some themes. Teamwork. Technology. Commitment to the mission. Veteran focus. Innovation. These values aren’t just a recent development, they’re in our DNA, and in today’s blog post we’d like to share the origin story of BTS- where we came from and where we’re going. As...

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Got Certs? Meet the BTS ISO 9000 All Stars

Today we’re pleased to announce that BTS has passed the rigorous ISO 9000 certification requirements and is officially ISO 9000 certified! While no small feat in and of itself, this accomplishment was achieved through the dedication and attention to detail of the amazing “ISO All Stars” you see below. Here’s a glimpse into lessons learned and opportunities ahead stemming from the ISO...

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We Sent Quarantine Survival Boxes to our Entire Staff. Here’s the Story.

How do you encourage and connect with a workforce suddenly required to stay home? BTS recently came up with a creative solution to connect with our teams and, in case you missed our feature in Baltimore, here are the details. It’s called the QBOX, short for “Quarantine Survival Box.” We launched it this May, a box-based idea originally created as a Birthday Box for our staff to...

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A Response to Injustice and an Active Re-Affirmation of Our Values

The following is an excerpt of a letter sent to all BTS staff regarding racism, equality, and social unrest in light of recent events.   As we are all painfully aware, our country is experiencing unprecedented civil unrest triggered by the tragic death of George Floyd, but the roots trace back to our country’s founding. Racism, inequality, and injustice touches all of us at every level and...

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