BLOG / Behind the Scenes

BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Director of Finance & Accounting Aislinn Blazejak

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Director of Finance & Accounting Aislinn Blazejak and talk travel, road trips, and her top reads of the year.

So you’re an avid reader… how many books per year are we talking about?

Last year I read 42 books! I have read 26 so far this year (almost done my 27th). I usually try to read 40-50 books a year, split between eBooks and Audiobooks. 

What’s your top read from 2024 so far? Ok, you can give us your top 3. 

My favorites of the year so far have been Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros (sequel to Fourth Wing which was one of my favorites from 2023!), Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez, and the entire ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas (managed to list 8 books here, ha!).

What exactly do you do at BTS all day?

Every day is different for me at BTS, which provides for a really engaging and interesting work environment. Most days involve communication with employees, our leadership team, as well as our customers and vendors. Otherwise, I am usually in the weeds of our accounting system to ensure our transactions are being reported accurately, building financial analyses, and managing our cash flow.

If you could go back in time and give any advice to your younger self, what would you say?

I would say, “Trust your gut and instincts, and don’t be afraid to make a change.” When I first graduated from college, I had a vision of what my career would look like based on advice I had received, and the standard “path” that a lot of accounting professionals follow. When I truly thought about what I wanted out of my day-to-day work life, and sought out a career path consistent with this, I was able to find professional success in a role that I truly enjoyed. 

What were you surprised to find out about BTS once you joined?

I wouldn’t call it a surprise, but it’s been comforting to feel so welcomed into the BTS team after only a short time. BTS places great emphasis on workplace culture, employee engagement, and maintaining a collaborative team environment. It’s been a pleasure getting to know everyone at BTS in the past few months and it’s exciting to be working with a team that is so passionate about the company and the work they are doing. 

What are people surprised to find out about you? 

I have been to about ⅔ of the states in the USA (most seen over a month-long RV cross-country trip with my family as a teenager) and have traveled to 18 countries. I hope to one day visit the remaining states to see all 50! 

What are you doing when you’re not at BTS?

I mostly spend time with my family, my husband Luke, our daughters, ages 5 and 3, and our dog Penny, when not working. Otherwise, I ride the Peloton (almost) daily, am a big listener to both audiobooks and podcasts, and typically keep up with popular TV shows. I also love to travel, which has taken a back seat in recent years, but we go to Rehoboth Beach a couple times each year. Looking forward to getting back to international travel once the kids are a bit older. 

Ok, lightning round!

  • Fav sports team: Washington Commanders
  • Snack you need in your house at all times: Cape Cod Salt & Pepper Kettle Chips 
  • Kids TV Show that makes you nuts: Cocomelon (on the flip side, my favorite kids tv show is Bluey)
  • Best vaca spot on the planet: Greece

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