Category: Behind the Scenes
We Serve the Nation
BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Erich Izdepski, SVP for IR&D
BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen behind the scenes at BTS so our teams can do their best work on the front lines. In today’s feature you’ll get to know SVP for IR&D, Erich Izdepski, and get a window into his world of synth-building, tech-trends, and the incredible value of hobbies as part of one’s professional...
Read MoreBTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Kirsten Posko, Director of Corporate Services
BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen behind the scenes at BTS so our teams can do their best work on the front lines. In today’s feature you’ll get to know Kirsten Posko, Director of Corporate Services (and clearly a Ravens fan). From benefits to the back office, Kirsten is working daily to support our staff, teams, and families… we’re...
Read MoreBattling Mother Nature for a Cause: The BTS/HCEDA Clipper Race Adventure
While sailing may be a popular pastime with some, it’s most likely the kind of sailing that involves relaxation, blue skies, friendly waves, and a memorable day on the water with friends. For BTS CEO David Tohn, and HCEDA CEO Larry Twele, an upcoming sailing trip involves leaning off the side of a 70-foot racing yacht at 4 in the morning in gale force winds and rain in temperatures just...
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