Category: Behind the Scenes
We Serve the Nation
BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Contracts Manager April Quinn
BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll dive into April’s journey through unexpected career twists, her approach to leadership (and Halloween), and, of course, her larger-than-life pet pig, Rosalee. Your career journey has taken you from...
Read MoreBTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Chief Growth Officer Paul Norwood
BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll meet Paul Norwood and talk about transitions, watersports, great books, and new challenges. How has your blend of active duty and private sector experiences shaped your outlook moving into your...
Read MoreGLICON: 1 Year Later
As we mark the one-year anniversary of GLICON, our joint venture continues to grow in impact and innovation. Reflecting on a year of achievements, the PMO team shares their insights on supporting the mission and building a powerful foundation for the future. From tackling complex challenges to infusing a bit of dino-themed fun into the workday, this team knows how to keep things dynamic. Join us...
Read MoreThe Art of Community: Reflecting on BTS’s Mission and Mindset
At this year’s annual BTS picnic, we had the pleasure of inviting Wade Forbes of RedTale Communications to capture the heart and soul of BTS in real-time. With 200 markers. And a 6-foot canvas. Surrounded by the warmth of our staff, partners, families, and friends, Wade transformed conversations and reflections into a visual story of what it means to be part of the BTS community. We...
BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll meet Billing Accountant Patricia Rixse and talk career transitions, vintage Broncos, and what advice to give to your younger self. Can you share the story of your transition from engineering to...
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