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BTS Nominated as Finalist for 2024 Moxie Awards

BTS is pleased to have been named a finalist in the 2024 Moxie Awards. Selected from hundreds of applicants across 17 categories, the Moxie Awards are about boldness, innovation, growth, leadership, community service, and local achievements. 

Finalists were recently announced by Katie Jordan, the 2024 Moxie Award Chair. “The Moxie Award program recognizes organizations that have set themselves above the rest through their innovation, growth and community service,” said Moxie Award Chair Katie Jordan. “We are excited to share the stories of how our local business community demonstrates Moxie in new and exciting ways, making D.C. a great place to live and work.” 

Boldness has always been part of BTS’ DNA, especially when it comes to telling the story of our culture. At least once per year we create an over-the-top mixology video chock full of tongue-in-cheek humor related to the intelligence community (or ourselves). The IC is not necessarily known for its sense of humor but BTS has crafted a tradition and expectation around these videos which have become legend in our space.

BTS has also gone after the more serious issues in the talent acquisition space with a cat-themed campaign focused on helping candidates see that they’re more than just LCATs (Labor Categories). Using insider language and tons of memes, BTS brought the LCAT message to thousands of professionals in the intelligence space through social media, gifs, and happy hours. And yes, someone was in a giant cat costume. 

Another area of innovation for BTS is related to our team’s wellbeing and culture. As the early shutdown of COVID turned from days to weeks, BTS rapidly deployed boxes of goodies to the entire staff full of BTS gear, snacks, and games to help bring a sense of support and connection during the shut down. 

BTS is about calculated disruption and standing out in our space – not just with memes and social media, but also with our strategies for putting our staff first and how we build our entire organization around people. Stay tuned for the Moxie Awards recognition this October and thank you to our staff and partners for being part of BTS’ recipe of boldness!

A complete list of finalists for the 2024 Moxie Awards can be found at


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