BLOG / Behind the Scenes

BTS Behind the Scenes: Meet Harmony Senko, Sr. Technical Recruiter

BTS Behind the Scenes is a chance to showcase the people who are making things happen at BTS and give you a “behind the scenes” look into their worlds. In this month’s feature we’ll talk with Sr. Technical Recruiter Harmony Senko and talk roller derby, recruiting, music, meditation, and more. Take a look!

While your title might have the word “Recruiter” in it, you’re also a songwriter, right? Tell us about it!

I like to express myself in many ways and writing became one of them. I have written over 100 songs and have started to write poetry as well. I’m working up the courage to write short stories and have them posted in various online forums this year. I’ve experienced a lot in my life that could be segued into a work of “fiction.”

We’ll get to BTS in a moment but what we really want to know about is your roller derby background.

My roller derby background was nothing to brag about. It was fun but short, painful, and I felt as uncoordinated as a newborn colt. However, no experiences are ever wasted. In my brief time, I absolutely developed an appreciation for the sport, how tough the women could be, and how skidding on serrated concrete is always a bad idea!

What similarities do you see between roller derby and talent sourcing?

Both require you to be very focused on the goal, and not second guess yourself.

What surprised you about BTS once you started your position?

I was impressed with the caliber of everyone I spoke with and loved the office and overall vibe. So, I definitely expected it to be great, but you never really know what any job will be like until you start. Now that I’m here, I really appreciate the sense of humor everyone has and the veteran background that’s part of the culture at BTS. There’s a “no man left behind” mindset that was good to see. There’s a real cohesiveness to the team and a desire to make sure we have the tools we need to succeed.

What advice would you give to someone considering making a career transition right now?

My advice is to remember that often we hang onto something because it is familiar, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Being stagnant is like a disease that can creep in slowly over the years and before you know it, you’re bored and uninspired.  There is no growth without risk and to get to the next level it requires a huge leap of faith in yourself. However, you shouldn’t dwell on what could go wrong, what you should ask yourself is, “What if it goes right!” You surprise yourself in the best ways when you’re brave.

What has you most excited looking out over the next year?

I’m most excited to see my daughters do well in their college experience, to continue to grow in different levels of creativity and challenge, and for BTS to win some amazing contracts and staff them with ROCKSTARS!

When you’re not making things happen at BTS, what are you doing?

I’m listening to different podcasts/talks to learn something new about health, healing, and mind/body science because I find that all fascinating. I like meditating, playing my drums, and meeting my friends to recharge and laugh as much as possible- it’s all good medicine!

Ok, lightning round!
  • Best movie snack: Red licorice
  • Best sick day movie: Big Fish
  • Song that always cheers you up: Don’t Worry, be Happy!
  • Best vacation spot: I liked Puerto Rico, Germany and my parent’s cabin in the mountains
  • Best way to relax: Playing one of the several drums I own or taking a road trip with someone fun

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